Burlington Free Press: What about positive gun stories?

March 1st, 2012

Burlington Free Press: What about positive gun stories?
Date: Jan 7, 2007 9:48 AM
What about positive gun stories?
After reading another story referring to “illegal” guns, (“Murders up in New York, other cities,” Dec. 28) I have to ask what it takes for the gun itself to be “illegal”? Maybe the writer of the story meant to refer to them as illegally obtained guns. Or, maybe, as illegally used guns. Could it be another attempt by the media to slant a story for the anti-gun interests?

Has anyone else noticed that there are never any feel- good stories about gun owners? No stories printed about people defending themselves against crime with their privately owned weapons? These things do happen every day, too! Guns do not commit crimes. Criminals do.
North Ferrisburgh

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