EDITOR: It can backfire, but it should be a basic right all the same.
EDITOR: It can backfire, but it should be a basic right all the same.
Date: Jan 8, 2007 9:48 AM
PUBLICATION: The Winnipeg Sun
DATE: 2007.01.08
SECTION: Editorial/Opinion
COLUMN: Letter of the Day
Letter of the Day Column
During the recent debate spurred by Vancouver school trustee Sharon
Gregson’s controversial comments on firearms, it’s become clear that
some Canadians have a somewhat inaccurate view of what self-defence is
and is not. Self-defence is not someone trying to be a hero rushing into
dangerous situations guns blazing.
So what is self-defence? Self-defence is a convenience store employee
keeping his cool during a robbery but knowing that should things turn
violent he will not have to be a victim. Self-defence is a woman in a
dark parking lot scaring off a would-be assailant without ever firing a
shot, the mere sight of a firearm being adequate to save a life.
Self-defence is a father or mother locked in a room with their children,
knowing that should the intruder in their home enter that room their
children will be safe. Most importantly self-defence preserves life, our
most precious gift.
Michael Cassils, Winnipeg
EDITOR: It can backfire, but it should be a basic right all the same.
The Second Amendment IS Homeland Security !