Vermont HS Student DC Trip

March 1st, 2012

Vermont HS Student DC Trip
Date: Feb 7, 2007 12:35 PM
The NRA State Committee for Vermont used money from
the profits of the 2006 Vermont Friends of the NRA Banquets
to funds a Youth Education Summit (Y.E.S) educational trip
to Washington D.C. in June of this year.

A student from Oxbox High School applied for and received
the Y.E.S. trip in 2006.

Time is short for a Vermont high school sophomore or junior
wishing to take advantage of the Y.E.S. The information to
apply is down below.

Click here: Youth Education Summit

Friends of NRA Youth Education Summit

YES is a seven-day, expense paid educational experience in Washington, D.C., for high school sophomores and juniors. The 2006 program takes place June 19-25.

While in the nation’s capital, students will learn the significance of the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights while developing an understanding of federal government and the importance of active participation.

The application process is highly competitive. Students are selected from a national pool of qualified applicants. Applicants are required to complete an application, which includes:

High school transcripts or graded work
A Second Amendment essay
Three personal recommendations
The National Rifle Association launched YES in an effort to encourage America’s youth to become active and knowledgeable citizens. Funding for YES comes from local donations and Friends of NRA funds.

Click here to apply to the Youth Education Summit. The 2006 program takes place June 19-25.

The Second Amendment IS Homeland Security !