Steve Halbrook responds to Bernard Harcourt on Nazi Gun Control

March 1st, 2012

Steve Halbrook responds to Bernard Harcourt on Nazi Gun Control
Date: Feb 7, 2007 11:22 PM
Subject: Steve Halbrook responds to Bernard Harcourt on Nazi Gun Control

I enjoyed Steve Halbrook’s cogent response to Bernard Harcourt’s attempt
debunk the clear link between the Nazis and gun control.

Steve states:
“Rather than addressing every point of contention between Harcourt and
myself, the reader should compare our two articles. Yet that is only the
beginning. Based on further research in German archives, this author will be
publishing substantially more on the subject. Scholars who deny this
author’s thesis are challenged to do the same.”

John Lott comments further on his blog:

“Gun Control and Nazi Germany
Steve Halbrook has a very interesting law review article that demolishes an
earlier piece by Bernard Harcourt at the University of Chicago Law School.
Bernard’s piece claimed that it is just a myth that Nazi Germany had
restrictive gun control laws and he blames the NRA for promoting this myth.
Why Bernard’s piece should have been a law review article is a bit of
mystery to me, but Halbrook takes Bernard’s historical claims apart.”

The two articles can be found at here:

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