FW: Good News from Trolley Sq.

March 1st, 2012

FW: Good News from Trolley Sq.
Date: Feb 15, 2007 5:02 PM

I’m not sure you can call it “good news” but at least as far as my
students are concerned, it has reminded many of them that they had intended
to get a permit, but had not followed through for one reason or another. I
and most instructors I know have had a tremendous increase in the number of
people interested in certifying for a Utah permit. Although I usually carry
a firearm wherever I go, this has helped to solidify my resolve never to be
unarmed if I can help it and to try to carry the most effective handgun with
me I can conceal under the circumstances. And with more citizens carrying
concealed, I am working to finish my book about Utah’s Self Defense Laws as
often as my caseload permits.

—–Original Message—–
From: Jim Dexter [[email protected]]
Sent: Thursday, February 15, 2007 2:08 PM
Subject: Good News from Trolley Sq.

KSL just reported an increased interest in buying guns and getting CCW
permits as a result of the massacre.

The Second Amendment IS Homeland Security !