OTTAWA CITIZEN LETTERS – Series is proof that gun registry is a sham

March 1st, 2012

Date: Feb 15, 2007 8:30 AM
PUBLICATION: The Ottawa Citizen
DATE: 2007.02.15
PNAME: Letters


Series is proof that gun registry is a sham


Re: Semi-automatic rifles and the law, and Where the guns are, Feb. 10.

I want to thank the Citizen for what it has done for the responsible
firearms community in Canada. While I may not agree with the complete
content of Glen McGregor’s articles nor am I happy with some of the
tone, the Citizen has accomplished what many law-abiding gun owners
never thought would happen. Through its Access to Information Act
requests, the information the Citizen has received and the database now
on the Citizen website, the Citizen has clearly and unmistakably proved
how useless and inaccurate the Canadian Firearms Centre’s gun registry

To think taxpayers spent more than $1 billion on this makes my head
hurt. For years, responsible firearms owners tried every possible avenue
to explain to the public that the previous Liberal government took us
for a ride — blatant lies, skewed statistics, misleading statements to
Parliament. Such databases don’t stop crime but do make paper criminals
out of law-abiding citizens. The registry extract, rife with errors, is
a gift. For we now have tangible proof that the Canadian Firearms Centre
and, by extension, the previous Liberal government, is and was
incompetent. Not only is the Canadian Firearms Centre incapable of
accurately tracking a number assigned to a particular gun, but it now is
also guilty of releasing sensitive and private data on Canadian
citizens. I can only hope and pray that none of this data is used by the
criminal element for nefarious purposes, although given the public
admissions that the registry has already been hacked several times, I
think we all know how this will turn out.

Public officials will soon have e-mail boxes full of concerns and
complaints from citizens who are justifiably upset that their privacy
has been compromised.

I’d like to think this little slip from the Canadian Firearms Centre
will be the last nail in its coffin, but given the inability of the
Liberals, Bloc Quebecois and NDP to listen to reason on this particular
issue, I have my doubts. So I will have to trust that the majority of my
fellow Canadians will finally see this registry for the sham it’s been,
all thanks to the Liberal Party of Canada.

Jason Graveline, Lawrencetown, N.S.


Rock doesn’t get it


It is obvious that Allan Rock still doesn’t get it. He now claims that
his original gun registry was worth it because it has reduced the number
of domestic homicides attributed to firearms. Unfortunately, the overall
number of domestic homicides hasn’t changed and the number of suicides
has actually increased even though the number committed with guns has

Does Mr. Rock really believe that it is OK for people to be killed by
their spouses so long as it isn’t done with a gun? Is a hanging somehow
superior to a gun shot? The only thing Mr. Rock should boast about is
that he cost the Canadian taxpayers $2 billion so that people could die
from something other than a gun.

Jeff Gardiner, Waterloo


No trust of Liberals


Glen McGregor has expertly exposed the Liberal party’s hidden agenda to
systematically confiscate legally owned firearms from Canadians. At last
December’s leadership convention in Montreal, Liberal party delegates
passed a resolution stating, “Whereas automatic and semi-automatic
weapons are illegal for hunting purposes” they would be banned.

After wildlife enthusiasts pointed out to party officials that the
resolution contradicted the Liberal-enacted law, the resolution was
withdrawn. The law clearly states that firearms that have no hunting or
sporting purposes are prohibited. The Liberals have never got “gun
control” right, and they cannot be trusted to ever do so.

Brian Stewart, Orleans

The Second Amendment IS Homeland Security !