Armed Response: A Comprehensive Guide to Using Firearms for Self-Defense

March 1st, 2012

They walk among us. Hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands, millions? They are “the armed.”

There’s more to responsible and effective gun ownership than possession – more than a few trips to the local gun range. Although important, these things are about the “hardware.” As Massad Ayoob explains in the foreword, one must be aware of the “software” – meaning the mindset behind owning and carrying a gun.

“Armed Response” is a comprehensive guide for using firearms for defense before, during, and after a life threatening assault. From learning what to ask yourself before deciding to carrying a gun, how to choose a gun that?s right for you, what to look for in holsters, how to carry a concealed gun, proper training techniques, and the legal issues and implications of using of lethal force, “Armed Response” is, by far, the most complete resource available.

This book is the culmination of hard-learned experience and instruction from internationally recognized use-of-force instructors. These are valuable real-life lessons about preparing to face a lethal threat, winning a gun fight, and surviving the ensuing court battle that can not be found outside of expensive tactical schools.

“Armed Response” is organized into succinct, compact-sized chapters that can be quickly and easily read. A few of the chapters include:

The need for Empty Hand Skills
Responsible use of Lethal Force
Beyond the Basics of Gun Handling
Revolvers versus Semi-Automatics and Handgun Selection
Concealed Carry and Alternative Carry Concepts
Ammunition Options and Stopping Power
Consequences of a Shooting
Rules for a Gunfight
As a very special added bonus, when you order “Armed Response” from WorldNetDaily’s online store, you can also receive ? FREE ? three issues of David Kupelian’s elite monthly Whistleblower magazine, which many have called the best news magazine in the world. That’s a $22.50 free value! (Offer good in the U.S. only.) Watch for the free offer during checkout.

Related Items
Guns, Freedom, and Terrorism (Book) – $24.99


The Second Amendment IS Homeland Security !