Fw: Powerful images
Fw: Powerful images
Date: Feb 17, 2007 4:41 AM
—– Original Message —–
From: “N. W. Clayton
Cc: “
Sent: Friday, February 16, 2007 9:47 AM
Subject: Re: Powerful images
>I went to Trolley Square yesterday with my dad to have lunch. I saw two
>types of security guards there. Most of them were wearing a standard
>mall-security uniform and were unarmed, and appeared to be normal Trolley
>Square security staff. Inside the west entrance, however, were two guys
>carrying sidearms who had dark uniforms, jackboots, and Smokey-the-Bear
>hats that made them look like cops of some sort. Closer inspection showed
>that they were private security guards from some rent-a-cop agency. We
>walked all around the mall but these were the only armed guards I saw.
>They were standing there chatting with each other and not seeming to pay
>much attention to their surroundings, which would have made them easy
>targets for a terrorist.
> Given how large and convoluted the main Trolley Square building is,
> having a couple of armed guards at one end of the complex might not do a
> lot of good. Note that Officer Hammond was at the far end of the
> building and on the upper floor when the terrorist started his shooting
> spree Monday night, and by the time Mr. Hammond had figured out that
> something was happening and managed to locate and engage the terrorist,
> at least three minutes had elapsed.
> There’s really no substitute for taking responsibility for your own
> safety.
> The “no weapons” signs at the entrances are still in place. John
> has posted them on his blog.
> — Bill Clayton
The Second Amendment IS Homeland Security !