Disarmed VT student asked police to protect him – here’s how they responded
Disarmed VT student asked police to protect him – here’s how they responded
The Cliff’s notes on their response: WE know what is best for you.
If you find yourself in a dangerous situation, call the university
police and they will save you. If you can’t make the call for some
reason, like you are being actively stabbed, then after the attack is
over, crawl to the nearest Call Box and the police will be there in
short order to take a report and/or draw a chalk line around your
Here’s the actual letter:
Vice President far Business Affairs
248 Burruss Hall (01 82)
Blacksburg, Virginia 24061
September 15,2006
Mr. Bradford B. Wiles
Graduate Research Assistant
Dear Mr. Wiles:
This letter is in response to your e-mail of September 7, 2006, in
which you claim that Virginia Tech has prevented you from properly
protecting yourself via its passage of the Campus and Workplace
Violence Prevention Policy, Virginia Tech Policy 5616.
Contrary to your assertion, the Policy was adapted “to provide a safe
and secure environment for University employees, students, and
visitors.” Before its adoption, the Board of Visitors carefully
considered the ramifications of the Policy and concluded that it
represented the most effective way to protect the campus. As you are
aware, the Attorney General has opined that the type of narrowly
crafted policy developed by Virginia Tech is permissible in that the
University has legislative authority to prohibit students and
employees from carrying concealed weapons on campus, ATTY.GEN.0P.NO.
Virginia Tech has a police force that is nationally accredited.
Further, it has full law enforcement powers as granted by the laws of
the Commonwealth of Virginia. Virginia Tech does not provide private
armed escorts to its students. However, if you have any reasonable
concerns about your safety or believe that you are being confronted
with a dangerous situation, the Virginia Tech Police are on call 24
hours a day and are available for immediate assistance. Call boxes
are located throughout the campus and so a cell phone is not required
to make Police contact.
Kurt J. Krause
Vice President for Business Affairs
The Second Amendment IS Homeland Security !