Letter: Frontline officers don’t support gun registry
Letter: Frontline officers don’t support gun registry
Date: May 10, 2007 1:56 PM
PUBLICATION: The Windsor Star
DATE: 2007.05.10
SECTION: Editorial/Opinion
BYLINE: Barry Glasgow
SOURCE: Windsor Star
Frontline officers don’t support gun registry
Your May 7 editorial rightly points out that Jean Chretien’s boast about
police considering the gun registry to be a useful tool, a popular myth
among anti-gun lobbyists, is a disingenuous argument.
Conservative MP Garry Breitkreuz’s assistant, Dennis Young, a retired
RCMP officer, has gathered many opinions that would prove otherwise.
About the only police who support the wasteful registry are police
chiefs with political ambitions. Polling of frontline officers on this
has practically never been done and these officers are reluctant to
express potentially career-ending opinions.
But on those rare occasions when their opinions have been solicited,
most think the registry is a waste of valuable resources.
No crimes have been solved or prevented with the registry and frontline
officers will not stake their lives on what a computer tells them in
dangerous situations. Yet somehow Liberal, Bloc and NDP politicians (and
other anti-gun fanatics) have managed to keep this myth alive.
Woodlawn, Ont.
The Second Amendment IS Homeland Security !