Letter: Gun culture good for society

March 1st, 2012

Letter: Gun culture good for society
Date: May 11, 2007 8:22 AM
PUBLICATION: The Daily Gleaner (Fredericton)
DATE: 2007.05.11
SECTION: Opinion/Letters

Gun culture good for society

Anti-gun extremists constantly bleat on about the evil gun culture in
the United States.

This is nothing more than sheer propaganda. What they are actually
talking about is the gang culture or the crime culture, where it is
acceptable to misuse guns to shoot people who dis you or to rob people
of their valuables.

This bears absolutely no resemblance to the real gun culture, here or

The real gun culture – that of the legitimate, law-abiding, gun-owning
citizen – is a culture of safety, respect and responsibility.

The genuine gun culture teaches respect for firearms, the user and

It teaches safety and responsibility in the use of firearms. It fosters
independence, self reliance, self esteem and confidence in the
individual. It helps to reduce crime and protect others in society.

Kids who get guns legitimately from their parents do not grow up to be
gang- bangers.

Gun ownership is a net benefit to


Bruce N. Mills
Dundas, Ont.