A chance encounter I won’t forget (FWD)

March 1st, 2012

—–Forwarded Message—–
>From: “Reddinger, Rich” <[email protected]>
>Sent: Sep 11, 2007 6:19 PM
>To: [email protected]
>Subject: A chance encounter I won’t forget
> Last evening I went for a ride on my Harley to clear my head and
>enjoy the evening air. I made a stop at the local Sheetz store ( Local
>stop-n-rob ). I was sitting outside the store on my bike when young marine
>sergeant all “spit and polished up” pulled up beside me in his car
and got
>out and said “hello sir”. I said hello back and to save the “sir”
>officers and that I’m just “Rich”. I asked him if he was returning
to base
>and he told me he had some recruiting work to do. I asked him if he’d been
>to the “sand box” and he said the he had been there twice. I couldn’t
>think, there I was in the company of a real hero that’s young enough to
>my son. So I held out my hand and shook his and said “Thank you”.
His reply
>was a simple “No problem”. We chatted a bit more and I ask how things
>*REALLY* going over there. He asked me to please spread the word that the
>news media are lying to us and that they are making head way and things
>really are improving and that we really can’t pull out right now because
>we do all the hard work and lost lives will be for nothing. I promised him
>that I would do just that. So this e-mail is the start of my promise.
> I also asked him how he has been received here at home with his
>recruiting work and the public in general. He said 90% of the people have
>been positive towards him. But then he told me how he had been spit at
>before and that just that day he was cursed at and called names. I got all
>chocked up and didn’t know what to say or do. So I just simply held out
>hand once more to shake his and said “I’m Sorry” to which he replied
>more with a simple “No problem”. I’ll never forget that young
kid and wish
>him my best.
>Why is it that whenever people feast on
>the pleasures of life I get indigestion?

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