Giuliani Is Everyone’s Worst Nightmare
Giuliani Is Everyone’s Worst Nightmare
> By Chuck Baldwin
> September 21, 2007
> This column is archived at
> Former New York City Mayor and Republican Presidential contender Rudy
> Giuliani said this week that he was “liberals’ worst nightmare.”
> the truth is, Rudy Giuliani is everyone’s worst nightmare.
> That Rudy Giuliani is currently trying to cast himself as a conservative
> is beyond laughable–it is hilarious. This is a man who is unabashedly
> pro-abortion. He has been seen walking down Fifth Avenue with thousands of
> homosexuals demanding “gay rights.” He himself is a cross-dresser.
He has
> had numerous marriages and only God knows how many sexual affairs. He has
> been one of the country’s most radical proponents of gun control. He made
> New York a sanctuary city for illegal aliens and is a strong proponent of
> amnesty for illegal aliens. As a prosecutor, his abuse of power and
> disregard for law are legendary.
> (See )
> In addition, Rudy Giuliani is a senior partner in the law firm that
> “represents CITGO, the oil company controlled by Venezuela’s anti-American
> and terrorist-supporting ruler Hugo Chavez.” Giuliani’s law firm also
> “as the exclusive legal counsel for Cintra, the Spanish firm that has
> granted the right to operate a toll road in the Trans-Texas Corridor (TTC)
> project.”
> (Please read Cliff Kincaid’s entire column for more on Giuliani’s shady
> and untoward activities at
> )
> Yes, my friends, the umbilical cord connecting the SPP, NAFTA Superhighway
> and burgeoning North American Union is also connected to Rudy Giuliani.
> Yet, Rudy Giuliani wants people to believe that he is “liberals’ worst
> nightmare”? Who is he kidding? Giuliani is a liberal. Actually, Rudy
> Giuliani is worse than a liberal. He is a liberal that likes to hurt
> people. I tell you the truth, Rudy Giuliani scares me far more than
> Hillary Clinton does. Far more. I’ll say it right here: if the 2008
> Presidential election comes down to Hillary vs. Giuliani, Hillary is the
> “lesser of two evils.” That’s how bad Giuliani is.
> Any Christian who would vote for Rudy Giuliani needs to check out his or
> her salvation. And before a conservative could vote for Giuliani, he would
> have to surrender every conviction and principle he ever held.
> As for the Republican Party, if it nominates Rudy Giuliani as its
> Presidential candidate next year, conservatism will be forever vanquished
> from the Party. George W. Bush has already just about destroyed
> conservatism within the GOP. A Giuliani nomination would finish the job.
> Rudy Giuliani likes to paint himself as being tough on terrorism. The
> truth is, Rudy Giuliani is a warmonger. A Giuliani Presidency would mean
> an expansion of military interventionism and preemptive war like you can’t
> imagine. One can call me what one wants, but I am warning the American
> people, just as Dietrich Bonhoeffer and Martin Niemoller tried to warn the
> German people about Hitler: Rudy Giuliani is a monster. Anyone who is
> paying attention knows this is true.
> For example, just two days ago, Giuliani urged expanding NATO to include
> Australia, India, Israel, Japan, and Singapore, along with “a whole group
> of others that we could put on that list.” As originally designed, NATO’s
> purpose was to counterbalance the former Soviet Union’s influence in
> Europe. However, Giuliani wants to expand NATO into a “global body.”
> also said he wants to “redouble” the war in Afghanistan. He further
> the U.S. should consider the possibility of a “large war with a nation
> state.” So, could Giuliani be planning a preemptive “large war”
with other
> countries? One can only wonder.
> Furthermore, if anyone thinks that George W. Bush is obsessed with
> domestic spying and surveillance, just wait until Giuliani becomes
> President. You can count on him pressing his anti-Fourth Amendment and
> anti-Second Amendment agendas to the nth degree through all sorts of
> executive orders and signing statements.
> You can also expect amnesty for illegal aliens to be quickly achieved
> under a Giuliani administration, along with the completion of the North
> American Union and NAFTA Superhighway. Of course, this will also be the
> case if Hillary is elected President, except that if Hillary is leading
> the charge, many will oppose it; whereas if Giuliani leads the charge,
> they won’t.
> This brings up the other thing that makes a Giuliani Presidency so
> dangerous: the total lack of resistance that rank-and-file conservatives
> (including Christians) have demonstrated when Republicans control the
> White House. Absent resistance from his own party and from grassroots
> conservatives, a Giuliani administration would be left free to perpetrate
> radical fascist and imperialistic policies completely unfettered.
> Everything about Rudy Giuliani smacks of fraud, indecency, greed, and
> power-lust. Even the wave of 9/11, which Giuliani is riding to the
> Presidential election, is fraught with duplicity. In fact, New York City
> firefighters are so fearful their former mayor might succeed in his quest
> to become President that they came out against his candidacy in a dramatic
> video. I urge all my readers to watch this moving video presentation. See
> it at
> Yes, Rudy Giuliani is a nightmare all right. But not just for liberals. He
> is a nightmare for conservatives, Christians, independents,
> constitutionalists, and for people the world over. Furthermore, Rudy
> Giuliani is a threat to freedom, constitutional government, the rule of
> law, traditional morality, and to national sovereignty and independence.
> As I said, Rudy Giuliani is everyone’s worst nightmare.
> (c) Chuck Baldwin
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