FWD: Lies About Guns
From: “Jim Dexter” <
Cc: <UGCA Board>
Sent: Friday, April 04, 2008 12:29 PM
Subject: Lies About Guns
> Here is a letter in today’s Trib that clearly demonstrates how many
> lies about guns and gun owners can be crammed into two column inches.
> The founders and guns
> Public Forum Letter
> Our founding fathers created many laws based on common decency and
> common sense. So let’s set aside the mountain of evidence that proves
> promiscuous gun laws produce a dangerous and violent America, and
> simply address the gun issue by applying common decency and common
> sense.
> We have created a society where handguns are as common as Coca-
> Cola, where thousands wander the streets with concealed weapons
> willing to shoot to kill and committed to shoot first and ask
> questions later, where bullets that explode on contact and literally
> blow up the victim are legal, and where assault weapons capable of
> killing an entire platoon are readily available.
> Can anyone in their wildest imagination believe that the
> founding fathers had this decadence in mind when they wrote the
> Second Amendment? Were they willing to sacrifice the life, liberty,
> and pursuit of happiness of countless thousands of victims for the
> unlimited right to bear arms for a small number who disdain the
> discipline of a militia (National Guard)?
> What is there to debate? Common decency and common sense demand
> the right to control deadly weapons.
> Ron Molen
> Salt Lake City
> Feel free to add your comments about this idiot’s stupidity at http://
> www.sltrib.com/opinion/ci_8800591
> Here’s mine:
> Mr. Molen clearly has no knowledge of this subject matter. Perhaps he
> wrote it at the urging of his third-grade teacher. Note that the Trib
> will print any fanciful nonsense that agrees with their own twisted
> and ignorant position on issues. Exploding bullets? Assault weapons
> that blow up platoons? National Guard at the time of the Founders?
> Thousand of victims from CCW permitholders? What a load of lieberal
> bull.