Letter: All citizens are responsible for helping to stop crime

March 1st, 2012

try the neighborhood watch program…. it works!


Letter: All citizens are responsible for helping to stop crime
Date: Jul 12, 2008 12:16 PM
PUBLICATION: The Chatham Daily News
DATE: 2008.07.12
SECTION: Editorial/Opinion
PAGE: 11
COLUMN: Letters to the Editor


All citizens are responsible for helping to stop crime


Sir: In its editorial opinion, the Chatham Daily News laments the recent ruling
by the U. S. Supreme Court’s overturning of Washington’s handgun ban. One
must ask why?

Since its inception, literally hundreds more murders occurred every year, but one;
that’s right one out of 32 years had a lower number of murders than the year
before the ban. Clearly the gun ban was a killer, how could it not be given the
fact that bans don’t include criminals; never have, never will.

Strange this anti-gun paranoia, 40 states that trust law-abiding to defend themselves
enjoy lower violent crime yet these people want to take the right to defence of
self and family away in favour of the criminal-friendly killer gun bans.

There is a reason Washington was the murder capital of the U. S. many times and
in the top three or four consistently, that reason being they don’t trust law-abiding
people and lie about the police providing public safety which they simply can’t.

The editorial opinion implies that now their could be an increase in the number
of handguns in the wrong hands, that can only mean in the hands of the law-abiding
since criminals don’t care about silly gun bans that make their jobs safer.
Odd isn’t it that anti-gun people screamed that the streets would run red with
blood if carry laws were passed; history shows that violent crime decreased dramatically.

The number of firearms in the U. S. literally doubled over the same 32 years as
Washington’s don’t trust the people killer handgun ban. Why is it that the
U. S. is now enjoying it’s lowest violent crime rate in 30 years? Just maybe
respecting one’s rights works.

Let me suggest Mr. Levy had not forgotten about the police who will try to find
your killer after the fact.

Vigilante justice occurred for the most part prior to the existence of police and
crime was extremely rare when compared with today’s crime rates. Yes mistakes
were made and the police make them today as well.

The bottom line is, it was and should still be every citizen’s duty and responsibility
to stop crime 200 years ago and today or was murder different back then as opposed
to now?

Seems to me, banning killer gun bans is a good thing, given history can’t show
a gun ban that actually saved lives. Robert Mugabe likes gun bans.

George Penfold Ottawa

The Second Amendment IS Homeland Security !