Letter: More guns mean safer cities
Letter: More guns mean safer cities
Date: Jul 12, 2008 12:52 PM
PUBLICATION: The Thunder Bay Chronicle-Journal
DATE: 2008.07.12
SECTION: Columns Comment.
[More guns mean safer cities Re: "Right to arms means deaths," editorial,
July 6.]
More guns mean safer cities
Re: “Right to arms means deaths,” editorial, July 6.
‘It’s amazing how well-educated, intelligent people can so often do stupid
things.” This sentence started the editorial slamming the U.S. Supreme Court’s
decision to uphold the two 234-year-old second amendment to their Constitution.
The same quote can be used to describe the decision to print this rambling pack
of lies from mayors of major cities throughout North America. Research and you will
find that, yes the murder rate in the U.S. is slightly higher than ours but theirs
is falling faster, by higher percentages than ours. Why? Because education and the
legal ownership of firearms reduces crime. It works for AIDS, alcohol, teen pregnancies
and impaired driving. Why won’t the public accept that more firearms equal safer
cities and citizens? An armed society is a polite society!
Firearms have been a part of our northern history for over 150 years. Let’s
hope that will continue.
The Canadian National Firearms Association has the facts – check it out.
Clay Stowell
The Second Amendment IS Homeland Security !