Letter: Proper use of firearms decreases crime rates

March 1st, 2012

Letter: Proper use of firearms decreases crime rates
Date: Jul 28, 2008 10:08 AM
PUBLICATION: The Windsor Star
DATE: 2008.07.28
SECTION: Editorial/Opinion
BYLINE: Paul Henderson
SOURCE: Windsor Star


Proper use of firearms decreases crime rates


Kudos to The Windsor Star for publishing Marty Gobin’s editorial on Canadians
using firearms for self-defence. It is an important subject rarely discussed in
the Canadian media. A Canadian study by Prof. Gary Mauser found that “Canadians
report using firearms to protect themselves between 60,000 and 80,000 times per
year from dangerous people or animals. More importantly, between 19,000 and 37,500
of these incidents involve defence against human threats.”

Even if we use the lower estimate, there are 19,000 fewer victims of rape, assault
and home invasions a year because of trained armed citizens. An unarmed 120-lb.
woman stands little chance of fending off a 240-lb. rapist. However, her odds greatly
increase when she is provided a defensive tool, such as a firearm.

Having trained armed citizens does not result in blood in the streets, nor does
it result in everyone having a gun. Only a small percentage of trained people choose
to carry a firearm where it is lawful to do so.

All forms of crime in such areas drop, as criminals do not know who is armed. Currently
we are at the mercy of armed criminals who are guaranteed to encounter defenceless
victims. We have many freedoms in Canada; sadly choosing not to be a victim isn’t
one of them.

Paul Henderson

The Second Amendment IS Homeland Security !