Police do NOT Have to Protect You – Stay Armed

March 1st, 2012

Police do NOT Have to Protect You – Stay Armed

Date: Dec 9, 2008 11:27 AM

Police do NOT Have to Protect You

GEORGETOWN Officials are considering a plan that would have fourth- and

fifth-graders trained to help fight off an armed gunman should one enter

What the court is saying, is that only an individual is responsible

for their own safety.


You cannot sue the police if you are the victim of a crime.

You have no RIGHT to protection by any law enforcement servant.

South vs Maryland, 59 US 396, 1855

At page 403

“The declaration in the case before us is clearly not within the principles

of these decisions.

It alleges no special individual right, privilege, or franchise in the

plaintiff, from the enjoyment of which he has been restrained or hindered

by the malicious act of the sheriff; nor does it charge him with any

misfeasance or non-feasance in his ministerial capacity, in the execution

of any process in which the plaintiff was concerned.

Consequently, we are of opinion that the declaration sets forth no

sufficient cause of action.

The judgment of the circuit court is therefore reversed.”


In the opinion above, the US Supreme Court told the victim of a crime

committed in the presence of the SHERIFF, that there is NO STANDING

to sue the SHERIFF or any law enforcement servant who did NOT

protect you from crime.

What the court is saying, is that only an individual is responsible

for their own safety.

You cannot sue the police if you are the victim of a crime.

You have no RIGHT to protection by any law enforcement servant.




School eyes emergency plan where students strike back Feedback urges

superintendent to change plan

By Lynne Hendricks

staff writer

GEORGETOWN Officials are considering a plan that would have fourth- and

fifth-graders trained to help fight off an armed gunman should one enter

their elementary school.

As it drafts an emergency plan for staff and students for the worst-case

scenario of an armed gunmen entering one of its schools, Georgetown doesn’t

want its students to be sitting ducks.

Using a model that supports a proactive approach, district leaders are

considering taking a more aggressive stance to the typical school lockdown.

The plan may include students trained to “strike and defeat” the threat

rather than sit passively in a corner of the room, as current policy dictates.

According to a draft “Code Blue” policy released to teachers at Penn Brook

Elementary School last week, the school district is considering advocating

students and staff use backpacks, books and chairs to “strike and defeat

the threat before it gains access into the classroom.” And in the event the

“threat” enters an occupied classroom, the policy lays out that “staff


fourth- and fifth-graders will attempt to defeat the threat by using the

countering techniques as they were trained.”

“When the threat is defeated, the weapon should immediately be secured

under a trash barrel by a staff member or other adult,” reads the policy.

Superintendent Carol Jacobs stressed children have not received any type of

training yet per the proposed measures, and she stressed this is a draft

policy that needs to be vetted and then ultimately voted on by the School

Committee before adoption. But she said some of the changes recommended by

School Safety Officer Derek Jones make sense if you look at how the

worst-case scenarios have played out in other schools like Columbine and

Virginia Tech, where relatively inexperienced gunmen took advantage of

students adhering to the “secure in place” policy a policy that essentially

has children huddle for cover in darkened rooms.

According to Jacobs, Jones has attended several law enforcement seminars

dealing with school safety, and the lack of a proactive plan should a

gunmen enter a school comes up often with regard to many school crisis plans.

“There’s some thinking and some strong recommendations from police officers

that are dealing with these things on a regular basis that if there were an

intruder that was able to come into a classroom that was locked down, the

instinct of the people in the room would be to do something to counter the

threat,” Jacobs said. “You’re kind of like a sitting duck. (Jones)


trying to get us thinking about whether (lockdown) is the only process we’d


The way Jones explained it to Jacobs and other administrators, the lockdown

should not be a school’s only defense when a violent sociopath is coming to

do them harm.

“When someone comes into your school, they’re not coming into school to

take your money,” Jacobs said. “They’ve got a gun. They’re coming

into the

school to take lives.

“You’re trained to stay there and stay quiet. But if someone enters the

classroom with a gun, are you going to just sit there and let them shoot

you? Wouldn’t human nature kick in and you’d want to do something?”

Glen Crane of a security company called Response Options Violent Intruder

Defense Strategies in Burlson, Texas, thinks so. He said since the school

shooting that claimed 32 lives at Virginia Tech, college campuses and

school districts across America are inviting his company to provide

students and staff with training to keep them from becoming easy targets.

Georgetown’s safety officer Jones attended one of Crane’s training seminars

at Gordon College in Wenham several months ago, and it’s likely some of

Crane’s ideas are helping shape Georgetown’s new proactive policy.

“Virginia Tech seemed to be a bellwether moment,” Crane said. “Why

was one

person able to achieve that kind of carnage? Our belief all along is that

he shouldn’t have been able to.”

As a retired SWAT team officer, Crane stresses lockdown is something his

company incorporates as a useful tool, but in the event that lockdown

fails, there are a few more options that can be exercised that might make a

difference between life and death.

“Opportunities present themselves where if people understand the tactical

advantages they have, they’ll put them to use,” Crane said. We all want


live to be old. Why are we going to go down with our head between our legs

on the ground?”

Crane’s company doesn’t advise schools to train children younger than grade

7 to fight back or “counter,” as is laid out in Georgetown’s current


policy, but instead advises the younger ones to learn how to evade, escape

and hide, and perhaps take part in erecting barricades in the classroom.

“We don’t do the counter-strategy with the little ones,” he said.


teaching them to be aggressive if they have to be, but usually around the

seventh grade is where schools decide to incorporate the counter strategy.”

Following the release of Georgetown’s crisis protocol last week, Jacobs is

fielding calls from staff members concerned about what would be expected of

them under the policy if put into effect, and Jacobs said it’s obvious much

work will have to be done to fully explain the protocol to staff and

students. Based on her conversations, she’s already made changes to the

original draft and will likely tweak it more in the coming weeks after

district administrators weigh in on the policy.

“This is a work in progress,” Jacobs said. “Once we get it in a format


we like, we would give the teachers that protocol so they’d know what their

role would be. It’s up for discussion.”

Should the policy be accepted and receive support from district leaders,

Jacobs said the school “would absolutely train the kids on what they should

do, and the teachers as well.”

The Second Amendment IS Homeland Security !