March 1st, 2012

N.Y. Feb. 21, 2000 — Democrat contenders Al Gore and Bill Bradley pulled out all the stops
to out-liberal each other in a debate before a mostly African-American audiance at Harlem’s Apollo Theatre.

For 90 minutes both candidates bent over backwards to curry favor with the Democrat party’s most loyal constituency which, in 1996, voted to re-elect Bill Clinton by a margin of 9 to 1. To curry favor with African-Americans Gore and Bradley promised to increase the size of the welfare state, defend racial quotas and preferences, and make it harder for European-Americans to arm themselves against criminal attacks. People are easier to to rob, rape, and murder when they are unarmed. Since African-Americans are more than 50 times more likely to commit violent crimes against European Americans than vice versa the candidates’ pledge to require licensing and registration of all new handgun buyers drew wild applause from the audience. Al Gore went Bradley one better by calling for the registration of ALL handguns.