Anti-Gunners Dancing In Fresh Blood

March 1st, 2012

Anti-Gunners Dancing In Fresh Blood
Neal Knox Update – Predictably, anti-gun politicians from Bill
Clinton on down, have seized on the Michigan school
shooting and yesterday’s racist killings at two Pennsylvania
fast- food restaurants to demand passage of their current gun
control proposals.

Also predictably, Sens. Schumer, Durbin and Lautenberg
hastily called a press conference to promote their “Child
Access Prevention” law, which includes Federal standards for
the kind of gun vault we’re to have.

Not one of the proposals — even the Washington Post’s
demand to prohibit all handgun sales — could have prevented
either of those tragedies.

No guns or technologies exist to have guaranteed that 6-
year-old couldn’t have pulled the trigger, and it’s ludicrous to
contend that the crackhead who left that stolen .32 where it
could be found would have kept a trigger lock on it.

Nor would that kind of brain-fried druggie been concerned
about civil or criminal liability for letting the boy get his stolen
gun. Michigan already has such a law.

Nor would a “gun-free schools” law — the adult version of
running around a school yard shouting “King’s X” — have
made any difference. Michigan has one of those laws, too.

But logic, reason, and the existence of laws up to and
including prohibiting murder don’t matter. The only time the
anti-gun crowd can make any progress is when they’re
dancing in the blood of fresh victims.

And they’re dancing.
Editor: Source FBI Uniform Crime statistics. The true figure
for deaths of kids under 15 is under 900 and has been
dropping for years. The last year we have statistics for is 98
and the deaths were 897. And that was the lowest in 30

Michigan has handgun licensing and registration and this did
nothing to prevent the murder.

The school shooting this week was done with a stolen gun
taken from a crack house, which was full of stolen guns.
According to the Associated Press, the 6 year old murderer
lived in a “flophouse” and used a stolen handgun he found in
a bedroom there, a prosecutor said today. Genesee County
Prosecutor Arthur Busch said the home was frequented by
strangers. “This boy comes from a very troubled home,”
Busch said on NBC’s “Today” show. “He is really a victim of a
drug culture and a house that’s really in chaos.”

He got in fights, according to some, where his reactions were
considered “extreme” by fellow students, parents, and
teachers alike. And yet he was permitted to hang his coat
alongside those of children who pick up their toys and play
nice with others. He was allowed to enter into a place of
learning with thoughts of murder (and don’t for a moment
think that kid didn’t have a good sense of criminal intent: he
hid the gun and then lied about giving it to another student,
whom he claimed did the shooting).

In October 1999, a 14-year-old Houston boy was charged
with killing a 13-year-old classmate by stabbing him in the
head with a screwdriver at Deady Middle School in Houston.
But did that hit your evening National news, like the news
about this 6 year old boy, who fatally shot a fellow first-
grader? Of course not!