Here’s the Facts

March 1st, 2012

Out lawing guns is not an answer to the problem. Take a look at states with tough drunk driving laws, has the drunk driving stopped?? No, stats are that one in every 10 drivers on the road are driving over the legal limit-this comes straight from police training manuels.

The truth is that laws don’t help STOP crimes, they give the general public boundaries of what is socially aceptable to live by and a guideline for punishment if caught breaking the laws. In short laws just keep the honest man honest. Those who think that gun control is going to solve the problem are fooling themselves with fantasy.

Another fact, cars kill more people than guns. Why not out law the source that takes the most innocent lives? The problem is that vehicles are socially acceptable and guns are not. Why? Political reasons. Cars don’t kill people, and neither do guns, it’s the person in control that does the killing. Yet because vehicles are accepted by society people accept the fact that each time we get into our cars could be our last. It also goes unnoticed that vehicles are used in 90% of the crimes committed. Guns are only used in about 10%.

Drugs are illegal, but your kid faces more dangers from drugs than from guns. A lot of good out lawing drugs have done as your child has an 80% chance of being around drug use before he/she is 18. In short, just like the drugs, it’s not going to stop the problem. Nothing is going to take the guns from the criminals! All gun control will do is keep the honest people from protecting themselve/property/family from the criminals who will always have guns no matter what is done. It’s a sad fact.

Gun control has to be practised by the owners. I don’t agree with leaving out a loaded firearm for all to see. There are irresponsible gun owners out there just like there are irresponsible drivers. The key to solving the problem is at the hands of those who actually own the guns, laws banning gun ownership won’t help.