Time to hammer the crooks in DC ’til they ring like a bell

March 1st, 2012

After the LaPierre/NRA/Chuck Heston ad firestorm I have listened to a lot of radio show callers and talked to a lot of people on the street ( and contacted my reps for what little good THAT will do–I haven’t forgotten about- or “moved on” from-impeachment ) and this issue is HOT! 9 out of 10 people I run into want to stand behind LaPierre for speaking the truth & showing some leadership. Truth is the common thread here–people are utterly sickened by the neverending lies, spin, grandstanding, exploitation of grieving families, etc., by that bunch of crooks in Washington. I hear again and again, “it’s time to burn ‘em a new a$$hole…”
—and that’s the POLITE version of what I hear from normally civil folks!
Gung-ho, people– we need to get to work, get informed, get energized, get activated and get connected–don’t sit back and hope someone else will shoulder the load–do your part, right NOW!
Yours for a better ( and Clinton-Gore free ) America…
John R