A C.O. has her say…
I’ll reprint what she says here. It needs to be read because she’s worked around felons all day long (A prison..not the White House)
You are correct that I was in LE, after a fashion- Corrections Department. I did it for a couple of years but found that I honestly didn’t have the stomach for the contant soap-opera world that is our state prisons.
Which brings up something I’ve been meaning to say here (everybody listen now):
I received extensive training in firearms, defensive tactics (hand-to-hand), and chemical agents. I learned many useful techniques, but there were two things that really hit home with me:
1) Chemical agents (pepper spray, mace, etc) are not always effective. Part of the training (as I am sure Dave well knows) involves getting sprayed with the stuff – and I NEVER want to go through that again. But there were 2 guys in my training group who were barely affected. Up to that point, I had carried pepper spray. (We also watched a training video of an actual cell extraction where the inmate was sprayed and simply looked at the officers like they were boring him.) Pepper spray doesn’t work, ladies. (Dave’s note: Pepper Spray does work really well in making your attacker truly angry with you! I never used it although is is unplesant-I was once advised not to carry a small gun for much the same reason. When I asked why I was reminded that smaller ones hardly satisfy the appetite. Since they are of questionable value in an altercation they might be fed to you)
2) I was taught many different methods of subduing an attacker physically. We practiced all of the take-downs and holds on each other (I have waist-length hair, and man did my head hurt from the hair-holds). I practiced with both men and women, and it became very obvious that while I was very strong for a woman (at 6 feet tall and 185), I was still no match for most of the guys in our group. So for those who say “toss away the gun and learn judo” I say it doesn’t matter. Most men are still bigger and stronger than most women.
It’s been said here before and I will shamelessly steal the phrase:
“Guns are the great equalizer”
For those of us who are smaller and/or weaker, a gun makes that a non-issue. For a lone person faced with multiple attackers, a gun is a life-saver.