A Case of Mistaken Identity?

March 1st, 2012

I got this message from this guy,Obviously a case of mistaken identity, but what I’ve tried to do is turn it around into a positive “learning” experience.
—–Original Message—–
From: name deleted
To: [email protected] <[email protected]>
Date: Wednesday, December 29, 1999 11:20 AM
Subject: gun control quiz

>I am doing a project on problems in our government.
>I have a couple of questions that if you could please answer and email me

>1. Why do you think gun control is so important?

First of all….. Where do you get the idea the WAGC thinks gun control is
Did you read our webpage? We are Women AGAINST gun control!

Gun Control is NOT important! What IS important is holding INDIVIDUALS
responsible for their own actions. Gun control MISTAKINGLY blames INANIMATE OBJECTS/ TOOLS for violence AND ONLY punishes the law abiding citizens who believe in exercising their basic fundamental human right to defend ones
self, family, property and liberty.
To stop violence (any kind of violence), What IS important is CRIME control!
INDIVIDUALS commit acts of violence, NOT baseball bats, NOT knives, NOT
bibles, NOT cars, NOT pencils, NOT sticks, NOT fire and NOT firearms or any
other INANIMATE OBJECT for that matter..

>2. What regulations do you think the government should be making on guns.

Other than felons not being allowed to own firearms, absolutely none!
Remember the 2A unequivocally states: “Amendment II
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State,
the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED!
There are all ready over 20, 000 laws on the books to keep guns out of the
“wrong hands”. You want to stop violence? ENFORCE THE LAWS ON THE BOOKS!
PUNISH THE CRIMINAL (lNDIVIDUAL who commits the act of violence)!

>3. Have you been a victim somehow of guns?

NO, I have not and do NOT plan to be a victim of ANY kind of violence.
Members of this organization are law abiding citizens who strongly believe
in carrying firearms (TOOLS OF DEFENSE AND DETERENCE) as a means to prevent becomeing victims.
Members of this organization believe that GUNS SAVE LIVES!
Members of this organization know that RECENT RESEARCH INDICATES THAT GUNS
Members of this organization know that Police do NOT have a constitutional
duty to protect us.

>4. Why are you so interested in this subject?

Because their are folks in government who are attempting to take
away/destroy our 2A right. Our 2A is not about guns, it’s about freedom – our FREEDOM to
defend ourselves against evil (foreign and domestic). Our 2A right is our
basic fundamental human RIGHT TO SELF DEFENSE and our FREEDOM TO CHOOSE
(freedom of choice is what this country was founded on!) the TOOL to do it.

See,at WAGC we abhor ALL violence, NOT just gun violence!
Where Women AGAINST Gun Control DIFFERS from the anti self defense crowd
(and that’s what they {those attempting to disrm us} are) is that , we (WAGC) blame the INDIVIDUAL who committed the act of violence regardless of the TOOL used!!!!!!!!!!!

As unequivocally stated on our webpage: Guns SAVE Lives.
We do NOT support
gun control.
Gun Control does NOT control crime (nor does it control violence)

>please return as soon as possible

When women are disarmed, a rapist will never hear – Stop or I’ll shoot!