A child dies, and another life is ruined.

March 1st, 2012

Today a seven-year-old boy shot and killed a six-year-old classmate. ww.cnn.com/2000/US/…dex.html

If his parents or some other adult left the pistol where the boy could get it, I hope the law arrests them for the murder.

If the boy found the gun on the way to school I hope it can be traced back to the person who tossed it and they should be tried for the murder.

In both cases the school board should be soundly criticized by the community for failing to teach their children about gun safety.

The Eddie Eagle gun program developed by the NRA is a proven lifesaver. There are dozens of reports of children who listened and learned not to touch guns. The simple “don’t touch, get away, tell an adult” is not the pro-gun incitement to join the NRA that the anti-gunners claim. Eddie Eagle has the unfortunate problem of coming from the poisoned tree. Anything from the NRA is immediately suspect and therefore disregarded by the anti-gun crowd. It is a shame that they can’t “think of the children” at put aside their prejudice. Eddie Eagle is a good program whose time has come. It must be put on every school’s agenda.

That poor little kid will have to carry the consequences of some adult’s stupidity for the rest of his life and that poor little girl paid for it with her life.