A gun is worth a thousand pictures

March 1st, 2012

A gun is worth a thousand pictures

Date: Dec 1, 2008 10:44 AM


A gun is worth 1,000 pictures

by Doug Powers

The quote from Sebastian D’Souza, the photographer and picture editor for the Mumbai Mirror who

snapped a photo seen around the world of one of the terrorists in India last week, said it all: “I

only wish I had a gun, not a camera.”

One can only imagine that a photojournalist saying he wished he had a gun instead of a camera makes

the sphincters of many “journalists” and other assorted forever-neutral members of the Fifth Estate

slam closed faster than the shutter on D’Souza’s camera, but an important point is made: Unless we

as citizens are able to defend ourselves on a massive yet individual basis, we will never be able to

stop a massive attack by crazed individuals. Waiting for police or the Army to show up with mops and

buckets is an unacceptable strategy in fighting terrorists.

One thing is certain: Mass terrorist slaughters like the one in Mumbai could happen in the United

States. That something similar and on such a grand scale hasn’t happened yet isn’t for lack of

trying on the part of terrorists. As many mass shootings in the U.S. have demonstrated to us (and

unfortunately to terrorists as well), our citizens are horrendously unprepared and untrained for a

terrorist attack like the one in India last week. And by “trained,” I mean more than just to dial

9-1-1 and eke out a prayer before being shot.

But what steps will the U.S. government take to ensure the safety of the general population in

coming days in light of recent events? Probably to somehow regulate “Black Friday” to see to it that

nobody else gets trampled to death at Wal-Mart.

The measures that need to be taken to prevent a Mumbai-style terrorist attack in the United States

will not be taken at the government level because it involves encouraging and facilitating

self-reliance and self-protection, and both are enemies of any massively expanding government.

Collectivists fear large collections of independent, free people because it throws a monkey wrench

in the collection process. Considering the threat that independent, free-thinking citizens well

versed in self-defense can pose to the government’s usually unconstitutional power and

money-grabbing process, what’s putting up with a little terrorist slaughter of some sitting ducks

once in a while?

Another continuing annoyance is the insistence of many government officials to label terrorist

attacks as “tragedies,” and I don’t believe this is by sheer accident or misspeak.

Barack Obama, for example, called 9/11 a “tragedy,” and in a statement referred to the slaughter in

Mumbai as a “tragedy” as well. The word “tragedy” doesn’t belong anywhere near something like a

terrorist attack. A “tragedy” implies that there was nothing that could have been done to prevent

it. Earthquakes can be tragedies; hurricanes can be tragedies; tsunamis can be tragedies; and now

we’re told that terrorist attacks are tragedies.

Calling a terrorist attack a “tragedy” is the greatest disservice to the general population since

NBC green-lit “Rosie Live!” The “tragedy” isn’t the attack – the “tragedy” is the defenselessness

that is created by a government that must disarm the population so it (and ergo terrorists) has

nothing to fear from them.

Our 2nd Amendment rights, at least at the time of this writing, remain in the Constitution. Even

some major court rulings of late have fallen on the side of the 2nd Amendment. We do have the

ability to ensure that another Mumbai doesn’t happen in an American city, or if it does, that the

innocent dead don’t outnumber the dead perpetrators.

So, what’ll it be, government? Do you really care about people enough to help organize a national

defense system that makes sense against new 21st century threats, or do you only care about holding

onto your power? (Don’t answer that.)

Encouraging honest people to learn how to protect themselves and their families? Now there’s a

“national health care” program we could live with.

Some day, when the attack comes here in America, how many people will be like Mr. D’Souza, wishing

they had a gun instead of a camera – or a gun instead of free prescription drugs or food stamps?

In this day and age, maybe we should change the saying “A picture is worth a thousand words” to “A

gun is worth a thousand pictures.” At least that way, when it’s over, you’ll still be alive and have

plenty of time go get your camera.

The Second Amendment IS Homeland Security !