A question for the ladies.
I have been working to find a handgun that my wife enjoys using. My .45 Colt revolver has a hefty kick & her wrists hurt after only 5 to 6 rounds. Even brorrowing my dad’s .38 hasn’t worked well. The +P also hurt her wrists thought wadcutters aren’t too bad.
I found a nice Ruger Target 22/45 with 2 10 round clips. Firing standard .22s she does very well putting a 3 inch group at 20 yards. Using Remington’s Thunderbolt .22s delivers more energy but she still handles it extremely well & has become a good shot. The best part is that she’s COMFORTABLE with the Ruger, &, contrary to higher powered handguns, is not leery nor afraid of it. (With my .45 she has a tendancy to close her eyes before firing it). To me this is very important. If she’s comfortable with the gun, it not only helps her accuracy but also she won’t be hesitant to use it if necessary, which is VERY important to me whether we’re talking four legged or two legged animals.
We would appreciate if some ladies here could give us their opinions on their favorite calibers, any ideas on how to handle higher power handguns (Sandy’s wrists are quite small making high power more difficult), along with any suggestions you have for her to become as comfortable with larger calibers like she is with her Ruger .22.
Also, I’ve seen some ads about bras with built in holsters. These appear to be very cumbersome & would seem difficult to utilize efficiently. It would seem to us that to pull a gun from this type of holster would require a special blouse in addition to the bra-holster to avoid getting the gun hung up in the material (a nasty thing in an emergency). Do any of you have any experience with this type of holster & would you recommend it over a standard type carried outside the clothes?
Thanks for any info you can supply,
Dave & Sandy