A suggestion for all you anti self defense morons>>>>

March 1st, 2012

PACK UP AND MOVE TO AUSTRALIA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


041902 From my Australian friend, copied and recent to blind list of individual and group political activists – shows what happens when the elitists disarm the people. The Terrorists will love this – but then, aren’t politicians and Liberals their accomplices ?Please Circulate. thanks, Clarence Lovell, Denver, CO

Firearm Owners Association of Australia

Phone 0754 825070 Fax 0754 824014

Media Release Media Release Media Release

The Government wants to change the Gun Laws. Again!!!!

Is this a flash back, I thought all, was going to be fixed with John Howard?s Gun Laws, It was so good he nearly got a Noble Peace Prize with Arafat and Sharon. (One has to think why Idi Amin and Osama Bin Ladin missed out on one as well?) Or is the Commonwealth Government just trying to cover up for its inability to prevent hundreds of thousands of illegal firearms slipping through the Customs Barrier.

I?m digressing again, back to the point, they want to make Australian Gun laws tougher again. Why? many would ask, well they are not working says John Howard?s henchmen and media puppets complain bitterly about the armed robberies, the shootings, the murders, the home invasions, they say murder and mayhem rules our cities streets.

They propose to follow the same formula, disarm the honest citizen, disarm the Hobbyist, the collector, the competitive shooter and indoctrinate us into the idea that only the Police and the Military Government will have guns. Of course the common people realise that it leaves them quite helpless, that the three main groups of people that hereditary pray on the Populus are the Government, the Police, and the Criminals, (In Queensland, we have a full time government department investigating the Police, not that it does any good). The people understand that the Criminals have guns the Government has Guns and the Police sell Guns to the Criminals and they, the people are being disarmed and left at the mercy of the three armed entities.

Before John Howard?s Un-informed Gun Laws home invasions were unheard of, the Crims had not got the nerve, too many guns in homes back then. Have a murderer on your doorstep, ring 000 and die waiting. Politicians, the government can have an armed guard 24 hour a day to protect them, if you protect your self with a rolled up newspaper, then you have a lot of questions to answer in court, if your not Dead.

John Howard wants to send us on the British Path, 200,000 competitive Pistols shooters disarmed and a thirty percent increase in Gun Crimes and Murders every year.

John Howard, in 1996 has already taken eighty percent of the legitimate gun business from the Licensed Gun shops and put it in an illegal situation on the streets, now he wants to complete his photostat of the English Experiment and put 100 % of the firearm business on the streets. Are the Politicians, the blind leading the blind or are they just mindful of the power that they can wield over a defenceless population?

Surely the Police can, see that if an armed offender, is confronted with a choice between fourteen years in prison for having an illegal firearm, and seven years for murder, the policeman who pulls him up for a speeding ticket is going to get blown away.

For whose peace is John Howard proposing Gun Laws again, it certainly was not ours last time, maybe he has a Peace Prize in mind, he would have good company in that dishonourable list.

Ron Owen

19th April 2002