About REAL stupidity
Allowing for the fact that I’m more careful with my laundry (hey how many guys do laundry in the first place!!) I got this little piece in the mail about one of our opponents. It seems to me that if I wanted to make safety issues regarding airplanes I should have the brains to know something about them.
Richard Aborn, the former president of Handgun Control Inc. was introducing speakers at one of those gatherings where anti gunners make themselves feel like they are doing something important and he spoke, his finger on the trigger of an automatic pistol which he also pointed at his highly attentive audience. Of course the dumbass did not have the sense to check it first, and even my kids are smarter than that.
His explanation was that he was simply trying to demonstrate how criminals use guns. Gee we needed that demonstrated, did we not? I always thought guns were used pretty much the same way. I saw one fired upside down in a movie once, but I really dont practice that myself.
I wonder if they will air that demonstration on one of their big campaign shows.