About Time!
First Off! God bless the victims!
I was wondering what the memebers of this association thinks of this new war we are in.
And how will it effect the anti gun people. Well I can say this, a friend of mine is a anti gun nut until Tuesday.
He went out and bought a AR15 and 500 rounds! And then asked me to teach him how to use it. I asked him why? He said ” cus if they come over here I will shoot them myself”. I said ” yea ok, but we dont need to have guns cus we have an army”. His replay was classic! He then said .” but they cant be every where all the time”. He just looked at me as I smiled………..He then said “SH&^%T! I lost this one didnt I”… I told him NO! you didnt lose, you won.. You won the prize of being able to understand what most Americans have been saying for years.
He joined the NRA today!
Take care!
Jeff Cuevas
[email protected]
God bless America!