Activist runs for VA’s 1st district……

March 1st, 2012

I know Mike Rothfeld. i’ve taken some of his activists classes.
He’s GOOD! Very Staunch Hard Core Pro 2A!
VA Gunowners and gunowners elsewhere need to support Mike. I personally plan to.

> Mike Rothfeld tosses his hat in the ring for the Republican nomination
> in the Virginia’s 1st Congressional District. The incumbent, anti-gun
> Congressman Herb Bateman is retiring, so it’s an open seat.
> It should be a very interesting primary…
> Date: 02/23/2000, 1:27:20 PM

> 540/752-7077
> 703/220-1463
> Fredericksburg Area businessman and conservative activist Mike Rothfeld
> today announced that he would seek the Republican nomination for the 1st
> District Congressional seat being vacated by retiring Congressman Herb
> Bateman.
> “I was encouraged to run by friends and allies who share my sense that
> there
> is void in the conservative Republican leadership in Congress,” Mike
> Rothfeld
> said. “Virginia needs leaders who will frame the issues, guide the
> debate
> and effect meaningful change. I believe I can be such a leader.”
> “It’s no longer enough to complain about Bill Clinton and the Democrats
> to
> explain the continuing rise of Big Government. The fact is, too many
> congressional Republicans are part of the problem and the American
> people are
> starting to notice,” Mr. Rothfeld continued.
> “For example, just last week I read how the House Republican leadership
> was
> looking for a way to pass the Democrats’ Minimum Wage Hike without a
> recorded
> vote. That’s not conservative leadership, that’s capitulation,” Mr.
> Rothfeld observed.
> “I will champion Ronald Reagan’s Missile Defense System which is still
> not
> built, vastly increased military strength, passage of a national Right
> to
> Work law and restoration of our Virginia-designed 2nd Amendment rights.
> And
> of course, I have been, and will continue to be, an outspoken activist
> for
> the Right to Life,” Mr. Rothfeld promised.
> Mike Rothfeld also favors giving taxpayers a substantial tax cut.
> “Americans know how politicians think, ‘you send it, we’ll spend it.’
> Politicians will never cut spending until we cut-down the money we send
> to
> them. Serious tax cuts will force serious spending cuts. It will not
> work
> any other way,” stated Mr. Rothfeld.
> Mr. Rothfeld will be the conservative candidate in a district that
> overwhelmingly supports protecting the unborn, preserving Second
> Amendment
> rights and bolstering the U.S. military. His strong background in
> defense
> and foreign policy issues should also give him an advantage in the race.
> Mike Rothfeld is President of SABER Communications, Inc. formed in 1992.
> SABER is a political consulting and management firm specializing in
> conservative Republican candidates and causes. Virginia campaign
> clients
> have included former Republican Party of Virginia Chairman Pat
> McSweeney,
> Oliver North for U.S. Senate, Mike Farris for Lt. Governor and Delegate
> Lee
> Ware.
> Prior to forming SABER, Mike Rothfeld’s political experience dates to
> 1985
> when he joined the U.S. Defense Committee (a pro-defense lobby with
> hundreds
> of thousands of grassroots members). He went on to work as Senior
> Analyst
> for the U.S. Defense Foundation, editor of the newsletter Defense Watch,
> Executive Staff for the National Right to Work Committee (a 2 million
> member
> grassroots lobby dedicated to opposing compulsory unionism), and Finance
> Director of the Republican Party of Virginia.
> Mike Rothfeld was raised in a Jewish family, received his BA in
> Philosophy
> and MA in International Affairs from the Catholic University of America.
> Accepting Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior in his mid-twenties, Mr.
> Rothfeld
> is a Deacon and substitute Sunday School teacher at Berea Baptist Church
> in
> Stafford County.
> Mike and his wife of 17 years, Diana Rodriguez Rothfeld, homeschool
> their
> four children, Jennifer age 16, Paul age 13, Aaron age 10, and Joshua
> age 8.
> The Rothfelds have lived in the Fredericksburg area since 1993 and the
> 1st
> District of Virginia for the last nine years.