
March 1st, 2012


I read and appreciate your post. I think it?s a mark of a thoughtful person that can come to a position that is so different then what was previously held. Especially when it goes against the views of people you are close to. I know that this is not easy for me, but I believe we should all be seeking the truth. I also have noticed that most thoughtful people I know are not easily dissuaded from carefully considered and arrived at opinions, which is as it should be. I believe we have the truth in this debate. I still try and consider others opinions but it just seems most of what I hear is just emotionally charged rhetoric.

I believe you are 100% correct. I went through the criminal justice program in college and one weekend they had a seminar some people came from the FBI to talk about profiling. I went up a sat in a couple of the classes. One was on serial killers where the guy showed a couple of tapes of crime scenes pointing out how they could classify the types of serial killer. But it was those tapes that made me sick. I couldn?t believe a person could do what I saw to another person. It was the grimmest thing I?ve ever seen. A part of me wished my mom and sisters could have seen it just so they would be made aware of the reality of it (like I had)

The thing that left the biggest impression on me was a map they displayed of the country. It had a pin in it everywhere a victim had been found that had the MO of a serial killing. I was shocked at the number of pins that seemed to follow every inch of every major interstate in the country. Even across states like Wyoming and Nevada which, I would have thought didn?t have the population for that kind of thing.
It was an eye opener for me.

We talked about Ted Bundy who if memory serves me correctly hinted at killing upwards of 300 women on his little spree. I can?t help but wonder at the anguish and heartache that may have been spared if one of those first women could have ?busted a cap? in his hide. I have had the feeling lately that the pleasure of shooting, and the right to bear arms that my cowboy friends and I hold so dear, may in the end ultimately be spared by women like you. I?ve got nothing but respect for you.


Ps. Keep your powder dry. ;]