Chris W. Stark – Director
P.O. Box 1924
Crosby, Texas 77532-1924
Ph. 1-713-202-9548 Fax 1-281-328-7505
email: [email protected]
02 September 2000
Copyright ? 2000 by Gun Owners Alliance (GOA-Texas).
Republication permitted ONLY if this e-mail alert
is left intact in its original state.
We once again go “down under”, and learn from our Brothers in Arms in
Australia. The reflection of America is clearly seen in this illustration
of the present gun laws in Australia.
Can’t happen in America? Think again!
As I have said before, you may have thought that it was the man or woman
of color, the African American, that was told he/she did not have equal
rights, that was told that they could not live in certain areas, shop in
certain areas, or even just pass by in certain areas. But, then again, you
forgot Denver, and what the Denver Mayor told the NRA after the Columbine
slaughter, “Don’t bother to come to Denver. You are not welcome here.” And
here, we thought that something like this could only happen to the African
American, and other minority races, minority religion, minority creed.
Yes, you only thought this was just a 2nd amendment issue.
But, now you know, it is ALSO a “CIVIL RIGHTS” issue.
Who will arise to fight this “CIVIL RIGHTS” issue? Who among us will ALSO
“have a dream” of equality, and justice for all? To “have a dream” that all
men are born with the God given right to defend their loved ones from
oppression, tyranny & slavery? If we do not fight for our “CIVIL RIGHTS”
of gun ownership, we will become the 21st century “unarmed” slave, even as
the African American was prevented from owning firearms, to further, and
ensure their slavery.
Do we too, dare to “have a dream?”
May we learn from Australians who have paid dearly in loss of freedom, as my
very dedicated friend living in Australia can attest to.
Read America, and arise from your sleep. You are almost there………..
for we now have S. 2099 found at which may become
an issue, if we do not awake from our sleep……..
Virtually every aspect covered in the letter below from my Australian friend,
is in some way, trying to sneak in America through the Clinton Administration.
If Al Gore becomes President, it will be in effect, a defacto 3rd term for Mr.
Clinton. Go to to see how
we view the Bush-Cheney ticket.
If Australians ever needed any proof that their government feared and
detested them – then they could go no further than the Defence Forces
Legislation Amendment (Aid to Civilian Authorities) bill that passed
unannounced through the federal House of Representatives recently.
As Tanya Metsaka pointed out in the World Net Daily , Prime Minister
John Howard used the same underhanded methods in getting this
legislation through the lower house that he used to ramrod the
disarming of thousands of law abiding citizens in 1996 after Port
If this legislation was truly needed to combat any potential
terrorist activity during the Olympics of the World Trade
Organisation meeting in Melbourne. Why was the government afraid to
openly and freely discuss their concerns with the Australian people
months ago and not sneak it through parliament a matter of two weeks
before the Olympics starting.
Why was this assault on our civil liberties agreed to by both major
parties of the parliament with not a public dissent from any of our
elected politicians? One can only speculate. Apart from the
platitudes printed in the Sydney Morning Herald in response to Green
Party Senator Bob Brown concerns – no one is saying what hard
evidence this bill is based on. As all the major players have agreed
to it in the lower house – it will be passed by the Senate – with
token amendments to pretend to address the concerns of civil
liberties groups.
When the Queensland Premier John Bjelke Petersen declared that more
than three citizens meeting in a public place was illegal only a few
years ago to control public demonstrations against his regime – state
and federal opposition members called for his dismissal loudly.
Listen to their deathly silence on this issue, which will lead to
Australian citizens being arrested, their properties and assets
seized and people will be killed.
You once asked me if there could be a revolution in Australia – with
this legislation John Howard and our federal parliamentarians have
guaranteed it. Once groups like the aboriginal activists, trade
unions, and university students have their permits to protest
withdrawn – violence will follow and then the justification for
Howard to call in the troops to assist will be there.
This email message from a real Australian patriot, Martin Essenberg,
who has been trying to use the courts and jury system to have the 1996
gun laws invalidated says it so eloquently. His story can be found at
his web site at –
At the same time lawful gun owners and dealers have been dealt
another blow with Howard’s Minister for Customs, Amanda Vanstone,
enacting a new customs regulation effective immediately banning any
dealer from importing handguns for stock prior to sale. They will
be allowed to hold only ten handguns, one only of each make and model
for display and testing purposes only. Any others will only be
released by customs when the dealer has shown by documentation that a
specific handgun is for a specific authorised end user or customer.
This is due to a large increase in the importation of handguns over
the last few years according to Vanstone. Conveniently forgetting
that the largest increase has been entirely due the importation of
some thousands of Glock semi autos for the New South Wales and
Queensland police who have been phasing out their .38 revolvers.
She has also stated that this is needed to stop unspecified
unscrupulous dealers from selling excess stock on the black market.
The full effect of this on honest business is shown by the press
release from the dealers at the end of this message.
So on the one hand we have the Australian Military given the
legislative backing to be used in domestic situations without the
normal restraints that the police have, and on the other hand, the
ability for law abiding businesses and citizens to obtain handguns
has again been attacked by a government that stated specifically only
recently that they had no plans to further alter the gun laws in
G-d help us all, because where we go using regulations without
legislation is where Gore will go when he sees our government get
away with it.
Your friend,
(name omitted for privacy)
# # # # # # # # # #
Clip of email from Martin Essenberg e-mail- [email protected]
GUN LAWS and the Military killing Civilians
Today (24/8/00) I was doing Community Service to pay my “debt to
society” for having been fined for having unlicenced weapons.
At lunchtime I dropped by the office of my member of Parliament-
Dorothy Pratt. Dorothy has been most supportive of my fight against
the Gun laws.
While there 3 nice chaps from the Kingaroy C.I.B (Criminal
investigation Branch) of the Queensland Police dropped by with a
warrant to search my residence (about 30 km away) for unlicenced
weapons. When we got to my place there was also a paddy wagon and 2
officers from the Police station at Nanango.
The behaviour of all officers was impeccable. They were all-polite
and did not threaten me in ANY way. They did their duty correctly
They found and CONFISCATED one .22 BARREL and the STOCK of one .22
semi- auto rifle. I made it clear to them that I did not consider
that I had committed any crime because I believed that I have a right
to have weapons for self defence
I was then returned to Kingaroy but was not charged with an offence
at that time. It has been only 2 years since people in Australia
with guns were law abiding citizens. Now we can have our houses
searched on the suspicion of having guns illegally. Now a barrel
seems to be considered dangerous. Now a piece of wood called a stock
is considered a threat under the law.
However, the Queensland Police are, like us citizens, under the law.
They are trained to deal with civilians and to use force as THE LAST
RESORT. They are trained to be polite, to negotiate and to give us
those rights that Parliament has not yet decided to remove. If they
kill it is as a last resort and there will be inquiries. Police
careers are often ruined in these inquiries even when their actions
were justified. If they killed illegally they are imprisoned.
In past months quite a few Police have been shot by violent
offenders. The Queensland Police shoot very few citizens.
The major political parties (ALP, Nats, LIBS) have approved the
representatives. It ALLOWS the army to be sent in to the States
to protect Commonwealth interests threatened by DOMESTIC VIOLENCE
(whatever that is) It ALLOWS Military personnel (trained to kill
as a FIRST RESORT) to kill Australian civilians it ALLOWS those
military personnel to be protected from prosecution for killing
Not since the British Military killed 19 miners last century at the
Eureka Stockade rebellion (while Australia was still a British
Colony) has the Military been allowed to kill Australians. The Police
of each state have always been able to maintain public order with the
minimum of violence. There is no justification in Australia’s modern
history for military intervention against the people.
I have been raided by the Police- but I have been provoking the
establishment about their GUN CONTROL LAWS- laws that I refuse to
obey and break daily. The Police are just doing their duty. When I
get into court I can try to have the Gun laws declared invalid
(unsuccessful so far).
Individually military people might be good chaps but I do not trust
them to correctly carry out Law Enforcement.
The DEFENCE LEGISLATION AMENDMENT BILL must not be passed by the
SENATE. It must NOT become LAW
I ask all that receive this e-mail to protest the loss of freedoms
of both individuals and the States in Australia by the use of the
military against civilians. Please pass this email to friends and/or
email your protest and this email to the politicians below. Thank you.
Martin Essenberg
Alert received from the Sporting Shooters Association of Australia
(SSAA) with a press release from the National Traders and Dealers
Amanda Vanstone’s announcement prohibiting the stocking of handguns
by Importers will impact in the pockets of Sports Target Shooters,
Security Operatives and Collectors.
Speaking today, President of the National Dealers & Traders Council,
Mr. Neville Sayers advised that importers stocks of handguns had
already been cleaned out by dealers from all over Australia and that
discounting had stopped.
- From midnight August 17, all non-government handgun imports must be
stored by Australian Customs. To fulfill a dealers order, importers
must go to a Customs store, cap in hand to pick up individual
handguns against specific police permissions issued to end purchasers.
Customs have advised that appointments must be made prior to attendance
and that delays of up to two hours can be expected. Time is money Mr.
Sayers said. This process is expected to add up to $200.00 to the cost
of each handgun.
Gone will be the ability to see before you buy Mr. Sayers said. Amanda
Vanstone’s claim that dealers will be able to stock up to ten
handguns for demonstration is a big con. The ten handguns cannot be
sold by a dealer, they can only be re-exported or handed to the
Government for destruction. As no manufacturer will accept second
hand handguns back for credit, the only option is destruction. Ask
yourself he said “would you purchase $5000.00 to $10,000 worth of
handguns that you cannot sell and which must (eventually) be destroyed?”
Already, one of Australia’s major importers has stated that they are
not prepared to endure additional Customs delays and therefore will
no longer import handguns. Another is yet to decide. The remainder
has indicated to the National Dealers and Traders Council that, as
they cannot carry any stock it will be pointless to offer the range
of models previously available. Only the fast moving most popular
models will be stocked and less popular models will only be imported
on special order.
It seems ridiculous he said that individual target pistol shooters
can have up to twenty seven handguns and a security company licensee
can have hundreds but ethical importers representing a controlled,
legitimate lawful product can have none. These companies have
effectively been dismissed as their overseas principals Australian
representatives and their function has been taken over by an
inefficient Government bureaucracy. The goodwill of their Companies
has been destroyed …..Gone is FREEDOM OF CHOICE and in it’s place,
RESTRICTION OF TRADE ….. that is neither FAIR nor JUST and
COMPENSATION should be paid.
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permitted ONLY if this e-mail alert is left intact in its original
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any other individual or organization, than Gun Owners Alliance
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