*America Needs More CCW:*

March 1st, 2012

*America Needs More CCW:* ?Suppose the Omaha mall held, say, 5,000
people busily shopping. If that were so, we would know now that it is
less than a one in 5,000 chance that a law- abiding American will be
carrying a firearm. And for all the citizens of Nebraska that could have
been saved this week, that’s a pathetic performance by society?If one
out of every 500 people were utilizing a concealed carry permit in
Nebraska today, there could have been 10 guns trained on target when the
adolescent evil fool began his self-indulgent terrorism. But because we
do not have even one in 5,000, there are nine people dead. (Commentary
ignores that the mall in question was posted ?no guns.?)

CCRKBA Comments:* Eight more innocent Americans have been sacrificed on
the altar of political correctness at Omaha’s Westroads Mall this week,
and the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms said
today that the real outrage of this crime is that it happened in a “gun
free zone” where law-abiding private citizens are disarmed by mall rules
and state statute. “In the wake of this horrible crime,” said CCRKBA
Chairman Alan Gottlieb, “gun control extremists are already demanding
more useless gun control legislation. A prohibition on firearms at
Westroads Mall did not stop Robert Hawkins, but it did give him a
risk-free environment in which to unleash his rampage.”


*John Lott Comments:* A Google news search using the phrase “Omaha Mall
Shooting” finds an incredible 2,794 news stories worldwide for the last
day. From India and Taiwan to Britain and Austria, there are probably
few people in the world who haven?t heard about this tragedy. But
despite the massive news coverage, none of the media coverage, at least
by 10 a.m. Thursday, mentioned this central fact: Yet another attack
occurred in a gun-free zone?


*John Longenecker Comments:* Nine dead thanks to a micro gun ban policy.
A gun ban. Bans on school campus and in Malls, workplace and other
locales are nothing but micro gun bans with tragic results as gigantic
as any other shooting. Typical policy has been the same as stubborn
school campus policy and workplace, saying they want to protect their
patrons, but the result is to talk patrons out of their lives. Nine dead
for this kind of brilliance. In less than six minutes. Nine dead thanks
to a gun ban. This is what we call Lip Service, where the results so
obviously discredit the excuses?

The Second Amendment IS Homeland Security !