An ad for what appears to be a good book

March 1st, 2012

My book titled A Little Handbook on the Second Amendment: What the American
aristocracy Doesn’t Want You to Know is listed on This is the
only place it can be purchased, except for the possibility mentioned below.

The URL is


Often people who support the right to keep and bear arms do not know the
history of the Second Amendment or have a complete understand of what it
means. One of the reasons for this is that nearly all accurate information
about the Second Amendment is found in academic books that few have time to

A Little Handbook on the Second Amendment was written to help Americans learn
more about the right to keep and bear arms without having to wade through
footnotes and statistics. It includes different points of view and a broader
scope of information than that commonly found in many books on the Second


The gun control debate is often framed by the media as an issue between
uncaring red-necks and the educated and sophisticated. The concept of the
value of an armed society goes back to Aristotle and can be traced through
western thought to the American Founding Fathers. The concept can be seen in
the writings of Aristotle, Cicero, Machiavelli, John Locke, Thomas Jefferson,
Patrick Henry, Richard Henry Lee, and George Mason. George Mason is
considered the “father” of the Bill of Rights.


One of the great media lies is that the easy availability of guns and lack of
gun control laws increases crime. Crime rates are highest where gun control
laws are the most restrictive. Crime rates are lowest where guns are easily
available to law-abiding citizens. Research indicates that shall issue
concealed carry permit laws reduce violent crime. It is reasonable to
conclude that a city would most likely reduce its violent crime rate by
opening public shooting ranges, providing concealed carry training, and
encouraging citizens to get carry permits.

A few have requested to have me ship books directly to them because they do
not want to use credit cards on line. For a copy of A Little Handbook on the
Second Amendment send a check for $12.95 made out to The Downhome Enterprise,
L.L.C., 1533 Moores Point Rd., Suffolk, VA 23436. Includes shipping and

Joe Bass
Suffolk, Virginia