Funny thing is this hasn’t hit the Urinal Constipation yet…..
Here’s an article from Nealz Nuze ( ) this morning about a child defending
himself with a <gasp> gun!
A little situation overnight in Banks County, Georgia. Thank goodness the
gun wasn’t locked up — safe from children, you know.
A 36-year-old man shows up at the front door of a house, bangs on the door,
and demands to see his ex-wife. He’s told that she’s not there. “Go away.”
He doesn’t.
This ex-husband, you see, has a long and rich history of beating the crap
out of his now ex-wife. Apparently he thought it was time for another
The predatory ex keeps banging on the door, trying to break it down. Inside
the house is his 16-year-old stepson. When the wife-beater kicks the door
down and rushes into the house, the teen fires. One stepfather now taking
the eternal celestial dirt nap.
Police say they don’t intend to file charges against the stepson. The dead
man had been jailed before on domestic violence charges. And there were two
small children in the house.
Omigod! Two small children in the house! And a gun! How can that be?
Goodness gracious! Don’t they know these children could have been hurt?
Go ahead, gun grabbers. Try to convince us that this situation would have
been better if that evil, evil gun hadn’t been there. Are you going to tell
me this ex-husband was trying to break down the door just so he could have a
leisurely chat with his ex-wife?
Stories like this–law-abiding Americans using guns for self-defense–happen
more than 2.5 million times a year. That’s about 7,000 times daily. The
Banks County case is unusual because the gun was actually fired! In more
than 98 percent of cases the gun is never fired. The vast majority of the
time, all you have to do is brandish the gun to scare away your attacker.
But you won’t hear this from the anti-gun crowd. This kind of story drives
them nuts because it puts gun ownership in a positive light.