Another one for Jennifer Wallace, HUH? Let her tell this lady guns are uneccesary and that
Another one for Jennifer Walker, HUH? Let her tell this lady guns are uneccesary and that she is nuts………
Let her tell this to all the women of Louisiana where the unkown serial rapist was praying and hoping that his intended victims would listen to the anti delf defense crowd )AKA MMM !
Listent to the MMM and you may end up raped or worse… Defend YOURSELF, IT IS YOUR RIGHT AND DUTY!
Why I Picked Up a Gun”
Why I Picked Up a Gun
May 13, 2003
by Tiffany Hyatt
In the fall of 2001 I remember driving home and passing a
beautiful little house surrounded by crime scene tape. I
wondered what happened, but didn’t worry too much because
nothing “really bad” ever happened in that part of town. Little
did I know then, but the Baton Rouge Serial Killer had just left
his first calling card.
Since that day, it has been almost two years and our city has
been plagued by more violent murders of women than I have
ever seen. There have been abductions, attempted
abductions, women’s bodies being dumped in Whiskey Bay, female college students stalked and brutally murdered, men
dressed up as police officers attacking women in their homes,
and worst of all, one woman was raped and beaten by men
who actually are commissioned police officers. I was that
This is my hometown, this is my life.
I am a 31 yr. old single mother of four and I wake up every
day afraid, and I fall asleep every night wondering if it is safe
to close my eyes. Being a victim of an assault, combined
with the mysterious killings, made me realize that my
only recourse was to carry a gun and be prepared at all
times. I was raised using guns for sport, but until now I had
never learned how to use a gun for self defense. I am now
educated, trained and ready to defend myself and my family
with deadly force.
Unfortunately it often takes a traumatic event to make most
women even consider carrying a handgun, whether the
traumatic event was experienced personally or to someone we
know. As a survivor, I now encourage and promote women to
train and educate themselves as armed members of the
community in the hope of preventing more stories like my
own. My motto is “it is better to have a gun and never
need it, than to need a gun and not have it.”
Before my life became centered around promoting female gun
use for self defense, I worked in the Emergency Room at two
local hospitals. I have seen gun shot wounds up close and
what damage a bullet can do to the human body, but far
worse is seeing the woman or child who has been raped and
beaten without a chance to defend themselves. I am grateful
for those experiences, because I think that is what gave me
the strength to survive when I was raped and beaten myself.
I vow I will never let that happen again!
I am now speaking out as loud as I can and to whom ever will
listen. I tell women who are afraid of guns, who have never
used or sometimes even held a gun – “if you follow the rules
of gun safety, become trained so you can properly handle the
weapon, and know the carry laws in your state, owning a
gun can give you an advantage over an assailant that
most women would not have without it.” But I also tell
them that the gun should not be their only line of self
defense. Some of those suggestions are; carry a can of
Mace, learn physical self defense skills, always be aware of your surroundings, other everyday items can be used as weapons, and having a plan of self defense in your home
(similar to the type of plan you prepare if your house catches on fire). These are all things I tell women when they come
into the gun store and firing range where I volunteer my time.
I firmly believe that girls should be taught as they are growing
up, when, where and how to use a gun for self defense. We
as women are often taught that there will always be someone
there to protect us, but that is far from reality. If I could
make just one significant change to benefit the future women
of America, I would make sure that little girls were taught self
defense before sex education in school, and the history of the
Second Amendment would be taught along with lessons on
gun safety. Knowledge is power. We have strayed too far
from the origins that made this country great! Back then
women were just as accustomed to defending the homestead
as the men, where did we lose that pioneering drive of self
reliance? It is not lost, it is only asleep. I say WAKE UP
LADIES! Arming yourself is your constitutional right, firearm
education and training is your choice (I highly recommend it),
but defending your life and the life of your children is your
Who can argue with that?
WHO INDEED !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
:cheers: efend: