Another Reason

March 1st, 2012

Roughly twenty years ago, give or take, I was working for a store in Grand Junction Colorado called Albertsons Grocery Warehouse.

A large fellow and a friend of his came to work there. I was a 118 pound geek at the time, and barely remember these guys. The manager was not too thrilled with their quality of work and let both of them go. A month or so later they came back one night. One had a shotgun, the other an automatic. They knew the layout of the store, that was part of the reason they were easy to identify.

They did take a friend of mine named John, a slick haired little high school grad, put him on the floor and put a muzzle to his head. Why did they not shoot? I dont know. They got the registers emptied and did some intimidating, then they left without shooting.

The good ol police filed a report, and some reader may know why better than I do that they could not arrest till these scum bags had committed another crime. They were arrested six months later.

Every time I see one of those signs that says “no firearms or weapons allowed on premises” I start laughing. All banks have those idiot signs, and how many banks have been robbed??

Grocery Warehouse did not want weapons on their premises. I really want to get one of those signs so I can target shoot at it. Gene