Armed Response
Armed Response
Date: Sep 22, 2005 12:54 AM
—– Forwarded message from [email protected] —–
Date: Tue, 20 Sep 2005 17:14:48 -0700
Subject: Armed Response: A Comprehensive Guide to Using Firearms for
To: [email protected]
“Armed Response: A Comprehensive Guide to Using Firearms for Self-Defense,”
David Kenik, is available now at ShopNetDaily.
Listen to what the experts say:
–”‘Armed Response’ is a must-read for every gun owner.” ~ Alan Gottlieb
Founder, Second Amendment Foundation
–”This book is written for those who have taken upon themseleves the
responsibility, the protection of the ones we love.” ~ Gun Week
–”An excellent starting text for the first-time gun-owner or the citizen
beginning to explore armed self-defense.” ~ Massad Ayoob – Director, Lethal
Force Institute
–”Defending the family against a terrorist or criminal is not the same as
shooting a paper target, thus firearm enthusiasts need direction if they are
be successful at their defensive goals. They will set off on the right track
find everything they need in this book. I recommend it highly.” ~ Gabe
Suarez -
Internationally recognized authority on reality-based combat training
“Armed Response” is a comprehensive guide for using firearms for defense
during, and after a life threatening assault.
>From learning what to ask yourself before deciding to carrying a gun, how
choose a gun that?s right for you, what to look for in holsters, how to
a concealed gun, proper training techniques, and the legal issues and
implications of using of lethal force, “Armed Response” is, by far, the
complete resource available.
This book is the culmination of hard-learned experience and instruction from
internationally recognized use-of-force instructors. These are valuable
real-life lessons about preparing to face a lethal threat, winning a gun
and surviving the ensuing court battle that can not be found outside of
expensive tactical schools.
“Armed Response” is organized into succinct, compact-sized chapters that
quickly and easily read. A few of the chapters include:
–The need for Empty Hand Skills
–Responsible use of Lethal Force
–Beyond the Basics of Gun Handling
–Revolvers versus Semi-Automatics and Handgun Selection
–Concealed Carry and Alternative Carry Concepts
–Ammunition Options and Stopping Power
–Consequences of a Shooting
–Rules for a Gunfight
Order “Armed Response” now at ShopNetDaily: