ATTN: LEO’s: Gun hater email – even LEO’s with guns make him cringe – From TFL disscussion board..
y’know if I was a cop on this guy’s beat, I’d take my time answering his call for help….. “10-4 radio, I’ll go 10-7, after this last donut and cup of java
Gun hater email – even LEO’s with guns make him cringe
In a past article (No Firearms Allowed), I addressed the risks we take when frequenting businesses with policies prohibiting firearms on their premises (victim-rich environments). I commented that when most anti-gun advoctes are asked if they would be willing to place a notice at their front door advertising the fact that their home is a gun-free zone, they immediately answer, ?No.? That article prompted a recent reader to respond that he would, indeed, place such a sign in front of his home and that he happened to stumble upon my article while searching the Internet to find just such a sign. He went on to say, ?I always tell my friends who are coming to visit at my house that I do not allow firearms on my property ? I want to advertise to anyone who is about to pull into my driveway that if they are carrying a firearm they are not welcome here.?
No one would dispute that this gentleman has every right to ban weapons from his home if he so desires and I?m sure his family and gun owning friends are perfectly happy to respect his wishes. Although many, including gun control advocates, would question the wisdom of advertising to the world that they are unarmed, the writer stated he had no such concern ? if someone wished to take his T.V. or bicycle, they were welcome to take it.
If the writer had stopped there, I would have said a prayer for his and his family?s safety and not given the matter another thought. I, like most gun owners, respect other?s rights to be gun-free as long as they don?t insist that I live by their rules. The writer, however, wasn?t content to simply advise me that there are indeed people who are willing to advertise that they are unarmed, unprotected and prime targets for criminal activity. He went on to add the following:
I hate guns, no matter whose hands they are in. When I see a policeman with a gun on his hip, I cringe at the thought that it can unlease [sic] death in a split second. I understand perfectly well that many people do not feel the way I do,
and those people are not welcome on my property. If they come here uninvited I will insist that they leave, but I would never stoop to their level by threatening them with death if they refuse to comply.
It seems that not only are guns unwelcome in his home, but anyone who does not ?hate? guns is likewise unwelcome. He also seems to be of the belief that gun owners would ?stoop? to ?threaten him with death? for some reason I don?t readily understand.
Any comments or thoughts you’d like to see included in a reply to this gentleman??
[email protected]