As a child I had no exposure to guns at all. In fact I distinctly remember my mom saying “why get a gun that’s what the police are for” Now I am a certified Hunter Education Instructor for the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources. Why the change? I was in a very violent first marriage, and had to flee with nothing but my childrin and our health. Thankful for this second chance, but still threatened by my ex’s violence, I went back to college and got a job, trying my hardest to lead a normal life. It got harder each day! the danger we were in was always there until I realized that until I stood-up to him (my ex) and let him know that I was no longer “his property” to bully at his will, I would never be free to live my life and keep my children safe.
Guns became a way for me to equilize myself against this man. He has not botherd me for six years now. And if I were to see him on the street now, I would shake his hand, just like any other person I run into from my past. You see; I’m NOT AFRAID.
Dont get me wrong, I would never want to use a gun in a bully-like fasion,I just think it’s an inner confidence that comes with knowing I can protect myself if need be.
All this has also lead me down a road that I would never had expected, concidering I was the #1 fan of Bambi growing up and not one person in my family had ever hunted. In fact, the opposite, they were “treehuggers” who I have nothing against even now. I LOVE TO HUNT! I LOVE TO SHOOT, I’LL NEVER GIVE UP MY GUN! AND THAT’S THE BOTTOM LINE!! Education is the key to all…