baby and dragoon

March 1st, 2012

Alone with my nine year old the other day I did some polishing up of various things including my Brown Bess musket. She asked if we could do some shooting so I took her out back with what they call a “baby dragoon” a miniature version of the Walker Colt revolver, five shots, black powder about teh strength of a strong .22.

she had shot a rifle last, and cant aim it because of the stock. She was very attentive as I explained how to hold a pistol, gently squeeze the trigger and aim at the target, a carpet sample leaning against an old washing machine.

She got a thrill out of the sharp bang, puff of smoke and smacking the target. She did good and enjoyed her moment. I used my .357 which of course was a spot louder. She looked really cute, a little kid holding a little tiny gun, the whole scene miniaturized. I’ll have to take a picture after I cast some new bullets for the little .32 popper. Gene