This weekend’s events are going to be falsely portrayed as a “groundswell” of public support for further restrictions on our rights.
Most politicians only “see the light when they feel the heat”. IF YOU TAKE 10 MINUTES THIS WEEKEND TO WRITE A HANDWRITTEN LETTER YOUR REPRESENTATIVE IN WASHINGTON you can do as much for the cause as if you rode 12 hours on a bus to some rally. (If you follow it up with a long-distance phone call, that’s even better.)
Gun prohibitionists, as always, can be depended upon to appeal to emotion, half-truths, and outright lies to advance their agenda. Collectivism and egalitarianism (which require ill-informed and subservient masses) can never survive logical scrutiny. Deception and playing on people’s feelings is standard procedure for big government types. The “Moms” are no different.
The establishment media, being largely controlled by collectivists and egalitarians, can be counted on to portray these gun prohibitionists in the most favorable light possible. There may be some coverage of our side to give the appearance of “balanced” coverage, but don’t hold your breath looking for true objectivity.
Many politicians, even ones don’t care a lot about the gun issue, will use this supposed “groundswell” as an excuse for “voting to do something”. BUT IF THEY HEAR FROM ENOUGH OF US NEXT WEEK THEY WON’T HAVE THAT EXCUSE.