BFP: ‘Rights’ belong to individual citizens

March 1st, 2012

BFP: ‘Rights’ belong to individual citizens
Date: Mar 20, 2007 10:05 AM

‘Rights’ belong
to individual citizens

The writer of “Gun ownership is a privilege” (March 5) chooses an interpretation of the constitutional language that suits her political stripe. In the day, the “militia” was everyone; when the whistle sounded, all were supposed to turn out, and many did. Now, if one chooses to call 911 and wait for the “militia” to turn out, it will be a half-hour wait or longer. If it truly is an emergency, and lives are at stake, sayonara!

The language of the Constitution is consistent. “Rights” belong to individual citizens, where “powers” belong to government. The Federalist Papers explain this in the words of the founders. March 9′s appeals court decision in Washington, D.C., makes it clear; the right to keep and bear arms is an individual right, specifically set aside in our Constitution. Long may it live!

The Second Amendment IS Homeland Security !