Big Brother’s Bile
Reading I came across and logged on. Impressive comments run through posts.
I can’t add much to the discussion.
While living in California, City of Los Angeles hired a new police chief from Philadelphia, a guy named Williams, I believe. This new hired gun was so incompetent he failed basic patrolmen’s test and hence could not be issued a weapon. In order to circumvent this embarrassment, the new chief was given a CCW permit, which is about as rare as snow falling in downtown Los Angeles in July. [Of course no ordinary person can obtain
a CCW permit in Los Angeles, although in a few other counties, Sheriffs are more accommodating.]
The battle to retain SECOND AMENDMENT has never been more critical as Big Government continues to pursue more controlling rules and regulations to protect us from ourselves. A big problem, not mentioned, is public education—not so much in sense of right to keep and bear Arms, but in sense of lack of solid teaching about the fundamentals of our Republic. In this respect, Clintonian designs to disarm our country have best prospects as social humanism and accompanying doctrines are slipped in curriculae, where questions are not asked about right or wrong, but concerned more about power to make decisions irrespective of moral considerations.
Clintonianism has perfected “incrementalism” where like the frog enjoying water as it is heated, becames enervated, unable to escape from deadly temperature of water gradually heated to boiling point.
Gun totting thugs are despicable but a guy kicking a dog may get more hard time than predators preying on us. Worse, are government thugs who mug our Constitution and Bill of Rights.
We don’t need statistics or studies to justify right to keep and bear Arms. Sure, the evidence supports the value of right of self-defense, but the evidence falls to move government thugs who know what’s best for us. We preach to the choir and that’s good, but we need continued vigilance to rid government thugs from office.