Bill Ruger
—–Original Message—–
From: Harry [mailto:[email protected]]
Bill Ruger wrote every member of congress asking them to
outlaw the possession of ammunition feeding devices that
hold more than 15 rounds. NO grand fathering, NO
importation, NO sales, NO possession and NO manufacture
except for police and military (granting them a sort of
title of nobility).
Bill even pushed the idea on national TV saying that no
American citizen has a need for a high capacity magazine.
If Congress had fully complied with Bill Rugers request (as
drafted in President Bush’s Crime Bill – introduced and
sponsored by Newt Gingrich, it would have gotten into our
faces much more than the Smith & Wesson agreement, or the
Clinton magazine ban does. In fact, without Bill Ruger
paving the way for Clintons partial ban, you would be paying
a lot less for hi-cap magazines. now.
Neal Knox and Larry Pratt did everything that they could to
stop Bill Ruger. Wayne LaPierre rewarded Bill Ruger with a
cover of the American Rifleman. Soft selling Rugers
betrayal to members and putting him on the cover of the
Rifleman, does not reduce the nature of his betrayal. Kind
of makes you wonder who should be running the NRA.
Looks like GOA is the largest consistently pro-gun lobby in
this link takes you to an excellent article on the subject.
Harry Schneider