Bowling for Columbine

March 1st, 2012

———- Forwarded Message ———–
From: “David T. Hardy” <dthardy@m…>

I just wrapped up my latest project — an inquiry into Michael
Moore’s “Bowling for Columbine.” It accuses NRA of being in bed with
the Klan, and of deliberately holding defiant rallies at the sites of
mass murders, just to rub people’s faces in it. It suggests one of
the killers might have been motivated by his father being in the
military, or perhaps by the thought that a defense contractor is a
major employer there.

To make a long story short, it’s fraudulent. The defense contractor
isn’t a defense contractor (Actually, one of its major projects was
to convert Titan IIs, formerly used as nuke launch vehicles, into
civilian satelite launch platforms — the ultimate in swords into
plowshares). Heston is shown giving a speech near Columbine — when
in fact the speech was a year later and nine hundred miles away. The
speech he did give is edited to make conciliatory statements sound
like rudeness. Another speech is described as being given right after
a school shooting in Flint … when it actually was an election rally
almost a year later. The list goes on.

And it’s been nominated for the Academy Award for documentaries, and
some commentators say it’s going to win. Balloting is going on right
now, and closes March 20.

It seems that a bit of a stir right now might have a very beneficial
effect, just as the criticism of Bellesiles led to his exposure. I
just posted a webpage, nothing fancy, on my findings. Anything you
can do to stir the pot, and quickly, might be of great aid in
preventing an outright fraud.