Boycott Levi

March 1st, 2012

Levi has jumped on the Politically Correct bandwagon by trying to take a bite out of us gun owners. Check out the Levi website at Follow the links that invite you to ‘Sign the Pax Petition’. They are attempting to get 1 million signitures on a PAX Petition to stop gun violence. Stopping gun violence is great, we all want that, but the way they are going about it only gives fuel to those who wish to ban all guns. They plan to present their million signitures to the president.

They are going after our youth. The site specifically says it wants people under the age of 30 to sign.

In the upper left hand corner of the screen on the Levi home page is a link called ‘talkback’. After reading the petition I clicked the link and I talked back. I told them that I was more than willing to boycott any product whose parent company attempted to subvert our Constitution. I reminded them that there are 80 million more people out there, just like me, that would do the same. I told them if they didn’t believe me to ask Kmart why Ms O’Donnell will no longer be doing new commercials for said store. I also reminded them that a large majority of those under 30 who they invite to sign, get their money to by Levi products from parents just like me.

Please go to the site, read the petition, then go ‘talkback’.