Brady Center using copyrighted music “A Gringo Like Me” by Ennio Morricone which was used in a Western, “Gunfight at Red Sands,” several decades ago. I am sure it is still under copyright.
The following information was sent to cdreward “at” (the Recording Industry Association of America’s piracy reporting address) at the beginning of December.
——————————– apparently plays the entire music and lyrics to “A Gringo Like Me.” Does this Web page have the copyright owner’s permission to use an entire song in this manner?
(Label: Bear Family?)
It was also sent to hotline “at” (the piracy reporting address of the Motion Picture Association of America)
It’s quite possible that the Brady Bunch did get permission to use the music but, in case they didn’t, can anyone find out who the actual copyright owner is? I did some searches but couldn’t find them. We really need to let them know about this.
–Bill wlevinso “at”