Breaking News
To: REF and Friends efw@v…
From: Rights Education Fund efw@v…
Well, if this were World Net Daily or the Drudge Report it
would probably start with “BREAKING NEWS.” This ain’t
either of them but we’re going to use it anyway.
The Knoxville Police Department has taken down at least two
of their billboards urging citizens to “Turn in illegal
guns.” I haven’t been able to check on the third but
suspect it is gone also.
We’ll never be able to prove it but unless I see evidence to
the contrary we are are taking credit for stopping that
truly ridiculous program that even the cops snickered about.
The city council ignored Tom Henley’s letter on the subject
but the signs are gone.
KPD failed to hold the third gun “buy back” that they
announced, and for which they had received HUD funding, and
we are claiming victory there too.
Now, let’s get on with working on Wal-Mart and cancelling
those AOL accounts. Please………….